Wuff Groom is a dog grooming boutique located in the bustling market town of Pocklington, York. Starting as a fledgling business in 2020, Wuff Groom quickly established itself as more than just a grooming salon—it’s become a premier destination for dog owners seeking quality care for their pets.
Brand Identity
Shop Signage
Wuff Groom
Wuff Groom is a dog grooming boutique located in the bustling market town of Pocklington, York. Starting as a fledgling business in 2020, Wuff Groom quickly established itself as more than just a grooming salon—it’s become a premier destination for dog owners seeking quality care for their pets.
Our goal was to help Wuff Groom make a strong, impactful entrance into the market. We crafted a playful and inviting brand identity that appeals to both dogs and their owners. This brand was seamlessly carried across their website, social media, print materials and the shop fascia, creating a cohesive and welcoming experience both online and in person.
Through engaging design and consistent branding, we worked to make Wuff Groom a memorable and trusted name in the local community. Whether it's through a fun post on social media or the eye-catching signage in Pocklington, our focus has always been on building a brand that stands out in the competitive dog grooming market.